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Luke Evans, founder of Emotive Work and certified Resilience First Aid Coach, delivering resilience training

Welcome to
Emotive Work

Where I believe in the transformative power of intentional cultures. Through my unique blend of consultancy and coaching, I'm dedicated to helping individuals and organizations unlock their full potential and thrive in purpose-driven environments.


To help people find
meaning through service.

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Move with Intent

I approach every interaction and decision with purpose and clarity.

Dive Deeper

I embrace empathy and human-centered design to uncover the heart of every challenge.

Serve with Joy

I bring joy, service, and connection to everything I do.

Build Up

I focus on capacity building, development, and growth, uplifting individuals and organizations alike.

Luke Evans speaking at a Dubai radio station about Resilience First Aid and proactive mental health strategies.
Luke Evans leading a Resilience First Aid training session, helping participants build mental resilience.
Luke Evans with Mo Gawdat and others, engaging in a discussion on resilience and personal growth.
Luke Evans and Emma Hall at Meta, engaging in a discussion on resilience and workplace mental health.
Luke Evans, founder of Emotive Work and certified Resilience First Aid Coach, delivering resilience training
Luke Evans and Emma Hall, engaging in a discussion on resilience and workplace mental health.


Emotive Work was founded with

a simple yet profound purpose —

t​o help people find meaning through service.

And right here is usually where I would include some deep and profound lesson that lead me to where I am today, but life isn’t always like that. In fact, for most people, life is this subtle unfolding of truth that gradually shows you the path ahead, if you create enough space to see it. 


For much of my working career, I felt lost between two worlds. The desire to find my calling in my very corporate and material working career, and the desire to want to do good in the world through a less material and philanthropic yearning. And for some reason, in our current culture of competition that has enveloped the world, these feelings and desires feel mutually exclusive and opposing. 


What I found is that not only are they NOT opposing forces, but the underlying desire was aligned. I wanted to live a life of purpose and do work that matters, knowing that I was creating impact in my sphere of influence. I wanted to find meaning in my everyday.


And in pursuit of this reality, what I learnt is that I am not unique. That this is a very real human yearning for all. We want to create impact and live a life of meaning. 

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I wanted to live a life of purpose and do work that matters, knowing that I was creating impact in my sphere of influence.
Group of professionals participating in Resilience First Aid certification training in Brisbane, Australia.
Group of professionals participating in Resilience First Aid certification training in Brisbane, Australia.
Group of professionals participating in Resilience First Aid certification training in Brisbane, Australia.

Fast forward through the first 20 years of my work experience, and what I found is that I have an ability to help people connect with their unique abilities and inner purpose, and create intentional cultures for all - whether it is an individual on their own journey, or a business seeking a way to offer their unique service to the world - I can help. 


My personal purpose, which is translated into the purpose of my business is “to help people find meaning through service”.

This isn’t an overnight process, but it is possible. And it is what the the people of this world are yearning for. 


Our businesses, our lives and our greatest potential are built on relationships; whether that be with self or one another.  And that is what Emotive Work does. It helps people start within, build the foundations of a great relationship with self and others, and create a life of service that has meaning to them and those around them.

What drives behaviour? Our beliefs. These are shaped by our lived experiences and amplified by our (also learnt) daily thought patterns and actions; but it is what we believe and reinforce daily that shapes the culture around us. 


Even as a business, this statement remains true. What you collectively believe, what you focus on or ignore, what you say or don’t say, what you are intentional with or unintentional with, all play a role in shaping this repeated behaviour, and therefore this elusive thing called ‘culture’. 


At Emotive Work, we focus on the foundations of what create these beliefs; your purpose and values. The WHY (purpose) and HOW (values) of every culture lives here. And it is only through introspection and intentional design that you can create deeper meaning in life and business. 


Put Simply, to solve the biggest challenges of today; be that in business - engagement, productivity, retention, relationships, profits - or in your personal life - meaning, joy, gratitude, growth, connection - we must start within and become more intentional in our approach.

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To solve the biggest challenges of today; we must start within and become more intentional in our approach.
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How do people want to work?

At Emotive Work, my approach is simple: let’s get back to basics and focus on what we are good at: which is being human. So many people have made culture and development work overcomplicated. 


When I help build cultures - whether it is a personal or business culture - I focus on one primary statement: culture is behaviour repeated. 

Luke Evans, founder of Emotive Work and certified Resilience First Aid Coach, delivering resilience training


Hi, I’m Luke, the Founder of Emotive Work.

At Emotive Work, my focus is on building intentional cultures for all. This means finding solutions from within, building businesses and lives that are anchored in purpose and delivered in line with values, and creating more meaningful experiences for all.

What I bring to the table:

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Logic & Pragmatism

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Optimism & Empathy

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International Business Knowledge & Experience 

If you're after more purpose, performance, and profit,

I'm here to lend a hand.

What I want every person to walk away with:

Actionable strategies to start implementing change immediately.

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Tools for further self reflection and enquiry 

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A sense of accountability and responsibility to be the change they desire

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A feeling of hope and opportunity

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13+ years

In leadership positions across both Multi-National companies, as well as small business, managing teams of up to 60 people.

7+ years

Of experience serving individuals & businesses to find their purpose and create purpose-led brands around the globe.


Blonde and Bear

We find your purpose, We create your business



We Redefine Culture with Joy

Emotive Work

We build resilient people and businesses

Personal Development
& Coaching

Host of “Itch”, “Brave Always” and the “C word” podcasts

Author of “Itch - 30 lessons in 30 years”

Vast Volunteer Experience across Australia, Nepal and South Africa

Human Synergistics ‘LSI’ Accredited Practitioner 

Certified Emjoy Brave Leader Coach

NLP and Life Coaching Accredited 


I have had the privilege to work with thousands of people and over 100+ SME’s around the globe, across all aspects of my career.


Here are just a few that you may be familiar with: 

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